Friday, August 6, 2010


I have a guilty obsession. Anytime I am bored on the computer, you can bet money on what I will be doing. YouTube-ing and more specifically listening to my favorite yodelers! Or more specifically "jodelers" in it's native tongue.

So I will take the liberty to enrich your lives with some classic tunes that I have discovered in my years of YouTube-ing. Once you watch these gems I am sure you will be trying to belt out some "Old Little Lady Who's" too!

Now before you go out and buy one of those ridiculous outfits and head to the Swiss Alps be sure you let Herr und Frau Neumayr (that's Mr. and Mrs Neumayr for your information) know of your plans so we can go too!

Also, from now on, please refer to me as Herr Neumayr. Make sure to us a German accent when you say it. You can also make your kids, family members, or talking parrot do the same.

bis morgen,
Herr Neumayr


  1. I think you need to get out more often. ;) What does Wilma think of the yodeling? It made Katie bark.

  2. Hey Dude, you're a CATTLEMAN! You're supposed to drawl, spit, and say stuff like "Yup", not yodel. That's way too 'Sound of Music' and sheephearder-like Herr Neumayr. Quick - get outta those dang mountains! (BTW I love 'Sound of Music', not be hatin on it or anything). Travel safe!!!

  3. Hering und Hochstapelei Neumayr mit ein Texaner klingen. Zu drollig!
